Two Rob's Rye Whiskey Review & Tasting Notes


Lewis Station Winery and Distillery was founded in 2011 by Rob Lewis in a former gas station in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Rob is a level two certified sommelier, and in 2018, Lewis Station was declared Wisconsin’s first Certified Craft Winery by the Craft Winery Association. Then, in 2020, Rob opened Stable Rock Winery & Distillery at nearby Jefferson. Aside from a couple of vodkas and gin, Rob has five whiskeys in his product lineup, plus a ton of wines.


In Lake Mills, a second distillery called Dog & Shrub was founded by Rob “Doc” Campbell. The distillery changed hands in 2023, renamed Salty Dog Distillery, and went out of business shortly after. Doc had distilled at the nearby Dancing Goat Distillery to create his spirits. Those were aging gracefully before Doc sold the company. When Salty Dog shuttered, Rob Lewis purchased the stocks and handled the blending, proofing, and bottling.


The first whiskey to come out of that situation is aptly named Two Rob’s Rye Whiskey.


“Our Rye Whiskey is bursting with spicy, fruity notes and has a significant malt component to give it a semi-sweet bready note. Crafted by two separate Lake Mills craftsmen named Rob.” – Lewis Station Winery & Distillery


The mashbill is 86% rye and 14% malted barley. It is unusual to have a two-ingredient recipie with that high of a malt content. Two Rob’s spent over four years in new, charred oak barrels. A 750ml 45% ABV (90°) package comes at an affordable $30.00 price and is available at either the Lake Mills or Jefferson facilities.


Lewis Station is located about a dozen miles from Whiskeyfellow’s expansive campus, serving as its international headquarters, and the winery is one Mrs. Whiskeyfellow has been a fan of for several years. As such, we’re there frequently and have had an opportunity to get to know Rob. Despite the friendship that exists, Two Rob’s will be subjected to the same guidelines that anything else I review is subjected to (meaning, Rob, maybe you want to sit down).


In full disclosure, Rob Lewis did provide me with a sample in exchange for my no-strings-attached, honest review. Let’s #DrinkCurious and discover how this unplanned collaboration turned out.


Appearance: I poured this Rye into my Glencairn glass to sip neat. Inside, the whiskey appeared as honey-gold in color. The medium rim released fast, wavy tears.


Nose: That malt component had a significant impact on the overall aroma. Raw almonds, malt, and a hint of butterscotch (yes, butterscotch, not something you expect from an American Rye) permeated. Less apparent were the smells of cinnamon and floral rye. When I inhaled through my lips, I found hazelnuts.  


Palate: Two Rob’s texture was soft and creamy. The front consisted of malt, honey, and hazelnuts. Midway through were flavors of spiced nuts. The back featured ginger, cinnamon, and toasted oak.  


Finish: While the palate was on the mild side, the finish is where Two Rob’s reminded me it was a Rye whiskey. Initially leaving a taste of Nutella in my mouth and throat, it quickly transformed into cinnamon, black pepper, clove, and charred oak. A few minutes after swallowing, the spice kept building.


Bottle, Bar, or Bust: I thought Two Rob’s was weird when I first tried it. That’s a fair assessment because, as I stated earlier, the mashbill is unusual. Sweetness exists where I’d expect spice. The palate could easily be mistaken for Bourbon. Only the finish reveals how much rye grain is in this whiskey.


Two Rob’s isn’t one of those life-changing whiskeys, but it will raise eyebrows and force contemplation about what’s in the glass. It is, without a doubt, unique, and I mean that in a good way. Any whiskey that positively grabs my attention and is highly affordable is worth picking up. As such, it takes my Bottle rating. Cheers!   


My Simple, Easy-to-Understand Rating System

  • Bottle = Buy It
  • Bar = Try It
  • Bust = Leave It


Whiskeyfellow encourages you to enjoy your whiskey as you see fit but begs you to do so responsibly.

